First train over the Thames Road section - Hollandia

First train over the Thames Road section

In the early morning of 8 November, the first goods train ran over the 4 kilometre long brand new track of the Thames Road section. The Thames Road section consists of a viaduct and two bridges that were built to transport more goods by rail to and from the Port of Rotterdam. The new track will increase capacity from 90 to 230 trains a day.

Contractor consortium SaVe (BESIX NL, Mobilis TBI, Dura Vermeer, Iemants and Hollandia Infra) was commissioned by Port of Rotterdam to build the Thames Road section. This includes the two steel railway bridges, of which Hollandia Infra built the 269-metre long arch bridge over the Thomassen tunnel.

In January 2021, the entire project was handed over to VolkerRail for the laying of the track. Last Monday, ProRail successfully connected the Thames Road route to the existing Port railway line.