The Nordenga Bridge spans among others the 24 tracks of Oslo Central Station and with its 160 metres length and trusses up to 30 metres high it has become a slender looking bridge.
Hollandia was commissioned by main contractor NLI to build the Østre Tangent as a steel truss bridge of approx. 160 metres long, 23.5 metres wide and with a total weight of approx. 2000 tonnes of steel.
A landmark for Oslo
This is how the bridge is described in the local press.
As part of the extensive urban development programme “E18 BjØrvikaprosjektet” in Oslo, a new bridge has been built, the “Nordenga Bru” (Østre Tangent).
This is a combined road bridge with lanes for both high-speed traffic and pedestrians/cyclists. These lanes are separated; the eastern lane is for pedestrians/cyclists and is up to 2.5 m higher than the western lanes for high-speed traffic.
The highest point of the bridge is about 35 metres above the ground. The unusual design made the bridge a challenge to realise. Among other things, the largest bridge section has several beams curved in two directions. Furthermore, the deck runs in a curve and has a considerable cant.