Team 'SpringTil' in construction team phase for the realization of the new Paddepoelsterbrug in Groningen - Hollandia

Team ‘SpringTil’ in construction team phase for the realization of the new Paddepoelsterbrug in Groningen

Hollandia Infra, Friso Civiel, and TAUW Nederland have been chosen by the Municipality of Groningen to enter the construction team phase as a contractor consortium. In collaboration with Ney & Partners and veenenbosenbosch landscape architects, they presented the winning design philosophy for the new Paddepoelsterbrug.

The old bicycle and pedestrian bridge over the Van Starkenborgh Canal in Groningen has been out of use since it was struck by a cargo ship in 2018. Since then, efforts have been underway to restore this crucial link for Groningen residents, commuters, students, and recreational users.

The project entails constructing a fixed bridge at a height of 10 meters, with long ramps on either side. The biggest challenge in the design is integrating the bridge into the environment, with the urban landscape of Groningen on one side and the open, sensitive landscape on the other side of the canal. The Municipality of Groningen was impressed by Team SpringTil’s design philosophy, which follows the principle of “more with less,” minimizing the bridge and ramps while maximizing their integration into the landscape.

With Roger and tender specialists.