Production of self-closing Vlotterkering ® Steyl up and running! - Hollandia

Production of self-closing Vlotterkering ® Steyl up and running!

The production of the valves for the self-closing Vlotterkering ® in Steyl Maashoek is up and running at Hollandia Infra. This special flood barrier consists of 14 separate segments (valves), which with the help of special seals, are connected to create a flood barrier of no less than 134 meters long. With this, Steyl will have the premiere in the Netherlands!

Each valve consists of a steel frame to which a buoyancy chamber is attached. At high water, the connected valves will therefore automatically float up to a retaining position. At normal water levels, the valves function as a recreational deck, also called the “balcony on the Maas”.

In the coming months, all valves will be completed and will be transported from Hollandia in Krimpen to the construction site in Steyl so that assembly to the concrete support structure can begin on location during the summer.

The goal is to commission the self-closing flood barrier before the flood season. We are expected to deliver the project by the end of December, with the public landscaping and finishing ready for use.

Dike Zone Alliance (Ploegam, Dura Vermeer and Hollandia Infra) is building a unique self-closing Vlotterkering® under commission from Waterschap Limburg. A functional innovation used to protect the monastery village of Limburg and its hinterland from high water. With the added bonus of a beautiful residential area for the village; a balcony on the Maas.

Want to read more about the project? Click here.