Commissioned by the Province of South Holland, Hollandia Services will work on the renovation of nine movable bridges that cross the Rhine-Schie Canal in and around Delft.
The 9 bridges are:
1: Plantagebrug, 2: Reineveldbrug, 3: Koepoortbrug, 4: Oostpoortbrug, 5: Hambrug, 6: Kruithuisbrug, 7: Abtwoudsebrug, 8: Kandelaarbrug, 9: Geestbrug (Rijswijk)
What exactly does the renovation involve?
– In the construction team, the design is worked out in detail.
– The software and electrical installations will be replaced.
– The mechanical installations are overhauled and modified.
– Two hydraulic actuators will be overhauled.
– Civil modifications and maintenance to the bridge substructure are being performed.
– Maintenance on the preservation of the bridges will be done.
– The bridges will be CE marked.
Preparatory work will start as early as January 2024. The bridges will be addressed one at a time, striving to never work on more than one bridge at a time. Work will always be completed within one quarter, to minimize traffic disruption to local residents and road users.