In 1977, the Kiltunnel was opened as the main local traffic artery for both car traffic and ( motor) cyclists. A number of technical installations have now reached the end of their lives and must be replaced.
Repair works on the concrete constructions are also necessary. This will extend the tunnel’s lifespan.
This work is combined with improving the safety of road users. Therefore, a new tolling station has been built with additional toll lanes to increase capacity and improve traffic flow. This will improve the safety, accessibility and user comfort of the Kiltunnel.
The major maintenance work started in 2021 and will be completed in mid-2022. The realisation of the renewed tolling station has started in week 30 of 2021. Hollandia Industrial is responsible for the assembly of the steel construction of the tolling station. This consists of assembling the office building, staircase, central building (support pillar), walkways, and canopies.
The renewed tolling station consists of five toll lanes with different payment systems, including contactless payment. Each roadway has a walkway that allows toll officers to cross safely at the top. Above this is a new integrated canopy that also provides space for solar panels. The installation of the canopies was done in two lifting evenings/ nights. During the lifting evenings/ nights the toll roads were completely closed. To prevent further closures, the canopies were pre-installed alongside the road. One or more toll roads were therefore made unavailable in phases.