Cylinders for Westsluis bridges in Terneuzen - Hollandia

Cylinders for Westsluis bridges in Terneuzen

The project started back in 2006, when a collision of the North Bridge caused heavy damage to the main girder and displacement of the pivot axis. Hollandia carried out an emergency repair for Rijkswaterstaat and was part of the construction team for the new bridge with a larger opening angle to reduce future collision risks. In 2008, this new North Bridge was a fact, and the South Bridge was also replaced by Hollandia.
But in 2009 problems arose with the cylinders, which wore out too quickly and had too much play, resulting in malfunctions. Adjustments such as bronze guide bushings, a new top layer for the cylinder rod, replacement of the lining of the piston rods and new seals took the bridges a few years further until problems reappeared in 2013. The deflection, eaten threads, moisture intrusion and wrong oil were looked at then.
In 2015 Rijkswaterstaat asked Hollandia Services to find a solution for the above problems by modifying the design of the cylinders and working out the implementation design for the suspension construction to limit the deflection of the cylinder.

Thanks to our experience with the Westsluis bridges in Terneuzen, Rijkswaterstaat approached us again for this job. We are seen as a skilled partner.