Inspection / maintenance RWZI Dokhaven - Hollandia

Inspection / maintenance RWZI Dokhaven

Hollandia Systems BV will perform the inspection and maintenance activities on the reception work at the RWZI Dokhaven, located in the heart of Rotterdam, for Waterschap Hollandse Delta this year.

Hollandia Systems BV turned out to be the best scoring company compared to other contractors. Hollandia made a clear plan of action, in which planning, phasing and communication were clearly described.

(rwzi) Dokhaven in the heart of Rotterdam is the only underground purification facility in the Netherlands. Dokhaven also stands out from the crowd because – unlike most purification facilities – the wastewater is cleaned in two stages. For more information about the RWZI Dokhaven, we refer you to the website of the Water Board (

The preparatory work has already started and work will start soon.